Siren Bells Lament

Siren Bells Lament sound installation was created for the Tannery space, at MOMA Machynlleth in 2019, part of Culture Colony Intervention.

Four bomb like bells hang from charred wooden jibs with the silhouette of a jet aeroplane at the top. The bells are hit with mechanical hammers, in a sequence that gradually changes as the mechanisms and small 12v motors react to small changes in stress and friction. In the centre a WW11/Cold War air raid siren interrupts the melancholic tolling of the four bells, with growling insistent rhythmic tones.

Living in this part of Wales, I am constantly reminded by the sound of low flying of war planes, the part the UK plays, and has played, in terrorising and destroying people and places around the globe in the name of ‘peace and freedom’.